Canada, As I See It

Germinating from my journals written over the last few years - this is my view of Canada.

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I voiced a piece for a school in Ajax, ON on April 5, 2024.
Check it, and other things I've produced in the past here:


5 days ago

This week is a little different.Usually, my main subject makes up the bulk of the podcast, but for this episode, my tangent becomes the body. Both are equally important – both are there to educate and both are there to tell stories.
I'd like to know how you're listening to me. Are you using Podbean's app? Do you listen from my site ( Or do you use one of the many podcast platforms that you can listen to this podcast on. I encourage you to contact me at – and let me know - I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

7 days ago

Tonight, I take a look at the life of Donald Sutherland, who passed away today, June 20, 2024.
I'd like to know how you're listening to me. Are you using Podbean's app? Do you listen from my site ( Or do you use one of the many podcast platforms that you can listen to this podcast on. I encourage you to contact me at – and let me know - I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

#33 - Milk in bags

Sunday Jun 16, 2024

Sunday Jun 16, 2024

Looking at Milk in bags today.
I didn't put it there – that's just how we purchase our consumable moo juice up here in Canada.
This is taken from an essay that I wrote about, back in August of 2020.
Spoiler alert:
we got our strawberries!
I'd like to know how you're listening to me. Are you using Podbean's app? Do you listen from my site ( Or do you use one of the many podcast platforms that you can listen to this podcast on. I encourage you to contact me at – and let me know - I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

#32 - Michael J. Fox

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Today, I go back to the roots of what inspired me to do these podcasts.
I'm taking a look at one of the people on my “Canada facts t-shirt”.
Today also happens to be this person's birthday!
Join me as I delve into the life of Michael J. Fox
I'd like to know how you're listening to me. Are you using Podbean's app? Do you listen from my site ( Or do you use one of the many podcast platforms that you can listen to this podcast on. I encourage you to contact me at – and let me know - I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

#31 - Tangential Meditation

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

It is no secret that I speak, travelling from one tangent to another.
I will often lose track of my own thoughts, because I've caught myself on a tangent. It's like going into a room, and forgetting why you are there. Welcome to my mind! Interestingly though, it doesn't really frustrate me – I just ride it like a wave – and this week, I ended up on a great memory.This week, I begin talking about a World War I battle and strategies, go through a remembrance, a haircut, a movie and end up thinking about bedtime stories.
This week, I'd like to know how you're listening to me. Are you using Podbean's app? Do you listen from my site ( Or do you use one of the many podcast platforms that you can listen to this podcast on. I encourage you to contact me at – and let me know - I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

#30 - Tim Hortons

Sunday May 26, 2024

Sunday May 26, 2024

This week, it's Tim Hortons.
It can mean several things, depending on where you are in time and space.
Also, something to check out this week, if you're looking for something to do.
And, if you have a topic idea, or a question you would like to ask me. I encourage you to send them to me at – I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to: #cochrane #accessability #trivia #canada

#29 - Families

Sunday May 19, 2024

Sunday May 19, 2024

This week, I celebrate Families.
Mifflin and Whorpole are mine – what are yours?
Please join me as I tell you a bit about who I am, where I'm from (genealogically) and how much “family” means to us.all.
And, if you have a topic idea, or a question you would like to ask me. I encourage you to send them to me at – I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

#28 - Manitoba

Sunday May 12, 2024

Sunday May 12, 2024

One subject this week.I could go on and on...Do you want me to? These are audio, but I could go all visual with this as well, and break out the charts and maps!
And, if you have a topic idea, or a question you would like to ask me. I encourage you to send them to me at – I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

Sunday May 05, 2024

This wasn't my original plan for what I was going to talk about this week, but sometimes, as they say – things just drop in your lap. Last week, I played a trivia game - AND I got to be on a local radio station!
As fast as the world goes, even though it only happened 3 days ago – something about it is already dated. Let me know if you picked up on how!
And, if you have a topic idea, or a question you would like to ask me. I encourage you to send them to me at – I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
Thanks go to CHFI hosts Pooja Handa, Gurdeep Ahluwalia, and their producer “Boss-Man” Blair Bartrem – for putting me on the show, and getting me a copy of the event.If YOU want to be a part of MY podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:

#26 - Day of Mourning

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

I wouldn't call this podcast a humorous one, but you can always expect me to be landing on the lighter side of subjects more often or not.
This week however, the topic is serious.Join me, as I chat about the Day of Mourning.
If you have a topic idea, or a question you would like to ask me. I encourage you to send them to me at – I'll mention you on the show (unless you don't want me to) – and you'll forever be able to say, “I got James to say my name, way back before he was a super celebrity!”
Don't forget - tell someone about the podcast, and let them know to contact me at the address below.Let me know their name in an email to me, and if they contact me, I will mention both of you in a future podcast.
If you want to be a part of my podcast,send me a recording of you saying,“This podcast is produced by the Fireside Chat Club of Canada”.
Send it via Facebook Messenger, or by email to:


History, as seen from a t-shirt

I have written a lot, especially over the last few years. In 2020, working from home, I began telling everyone about my t-shirts. It was something to do - because I didn't have to commute 90 minutes a day!

The last shirt in that series had a stylized Canadian flag with over 200 people and facts on it.
THAT was my next project.

And that is how you find yourselves here.
Join me, and let's look at
Canada, as I see it.

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